eclectique manu

Les 100 objets de l'histoire des hommes, détails

The 100 British Museum objects

Voici tous les objets qui ont été présentés par la BBC Radio 4 series “A History of the World in 100 Objects”. Il y en a vraiment de toutes les civilisations.


Making Us Human (2,000,000 - 9000 BC)    

 1: Mummy of Hornedjitef

2: Olduvai stone chopping tool

3: Olduvai handaxe

4: Swimming reindeer

5: Clovis spear point


After the Ice Age: Food and Sex (9000 - 3500 BC)

6: Bird-shaped pestle

7: Ain Sakhri lovers figurine

8: Egyptian clay model of cattle

9: Maya maize god statue

10: Jomon pot

The First Cities and States (4000 - 2000 BC)

11: King Den's sandal label

12: Standard of Ur

13: Indus seal

14: Jade axe

15: Early writing tablet


The Beginning of Science & Literature (1500 - 700 BC)

16: Flood Tablet

17: Rhind Mathematical Papyrus

18: Minoan Bull Leaper

19: Mold Gold Cape

20: Statue of Ramesses II

Old World, New Powers (1100 - 300 BC)

21: Lachish Reliefs

22: Sphinx of Taharqo

23: Chinese Zhou ritual vessel

24: Paracas textile

25: Gold coin of Croesus


The World in the Age of Confucius (500 - 300 BC)

26: Oxus chariot model

27: Parthenon sculpture: Centaur and Lapith

28: Basse Yutz Flagons

29: Olmec stone mask

30: Chinese bronze bell


Empire Builders (300BC - 1 AD)

31: Coin with head of Alexander

32: Pillar of Ashoka

33: Rosetta Stone

34: Chinese Han lacquer cup

35: Head of Augustus


Ancient Pleasures, Modern Spice (1 AD - 600 AD)

 36: Warren Cup

37: North American otter pipe

38: Ceremonial ballgame belt

39: Admonitions Scroll

40: Hoxne pepper pot

The Rise of World Faiths (200 - 600 AD)

41: Seated Buddha from Gandhara

42: Gold coin of Kumaragupta I

43: Silver plate showing Shapur II

44: Hinton St Mary Mosaic

45: Arabian bronze hand


The Silk Road and Beyond (400 - 700 AD)

46: Gold coin of Abd al-Malik

47: Sutton Hoo helmet

48: Moche warrior pot

49: Korean roof tile

50: Silk princess painting

Inside the Palace: Secrets at Court (700 - 950 AD)

51: Maya relief of royal blood-letting

52: Harem wall painting fragments

53: Lothair Crystal

54: Statue of Tara

55: Chinese Tang tomb figures


Pilgrims, Raiders and Traders (900 - 1300 AD)


 56: Vale of York Hoard

57: Hedwig glass beaker

58: Japanese bronze mirror

59: Borobudur Buddha head

60: Kilwa pot sherds

Status Symbols (1200 - 1400 AD)

61: Lewis Chessmen

62: Hebrew astrolabe

63: Ife head

64: The David Vases

65: Taino ritual seat


Meeting the Gods (1200 - 1400 AD)

66: Holy Thorn Reliquary


 67: Icon of the Triumph of Orthodoxy

68: Shiva and Parvati sculpture

69: Sculpture of Huastec goddess

70: Hoa Hakananai'a Easter Island statue


The Threshold of the Modern World (1375 - 1550 AD)

71: Tughra of Suleiman the Magnificent

72: Ming banknote

73: Inca gold llama

74: Jade dragon cup

75: Dürer's 'Rhinoceros'


The First Global Economy (1450 - 1600 AD)

76: The mechanical galleon

77: Benin plaque: the oba with Europeans

78: Double-headed serpent

79: Kakiemon elephants

80: Pieces of eight

Tolerance and Intolerance (1550 - 1700 AD)

81: Shi'a religious parade standard

82: Miniature of a Mughal prince

83: Shadow puppet of Bima

84: Mexican codex map

85: Reformation centenary broadsheet


Exploration, Exploitation and Enlightenment (1680 - 1820 AD)

86: Akan drum

87: Hawaiian feather helmet

88: North American buckskin map

89: Australian bark shield

90: Jade bi

Mass Production, Mass Persuasion (1780 - 1914 AD)

91: Ship's chronometer from HMS Beagle

92: Early Victorian tea set

93: Hokusai's 'The Great Wave'

94: Sudanese slit drum

95: Suffragette defaced penny


The World of Our Making (1914 - 2010 AD)

96: Russian revolutionary plate

7: Hockney's 'In the dull village'

98: Throne of Weapons

99: Credit card

100: Object 100

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